Music without time meassure??

• Dec 27, 2012 - 16:59

I have a peace of eastern ortodox churchmusic. It has no time measure. Is it possible in musescore to avoid the time measure ?

Best Regards
Lars - DK


In reply to by larshgf

Yes that's it :)
When version 2.0 is finally released there are split and join measure functions which are very useful for creating unmetrical music.

If you want to try this out on an unstable prerelease version you can get one from the download page - scroll right to the bottom and click on the relevant nightly build for your operating system.


In reply to by ChurchOrganist

Lars, thank you for asking this question as I was looking for the exact same information.....

Lars said: "The solution seems to be found in the Meaure Properties letting the actual and nominal Measure Duration vary."

If I was to create a lead sheet that required no time signature, what would I enter in the time signature field at the initial document setup?

Thanks very much for your help as I'm a bit of a newbee with this wonderful program.....


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