Multiple Bug Problems

• Jan 6, 2013 - 13:39

Hello Community,

I have been using Musette for about 2 weeks now, and it is glitching up on me.

In the attachment (obviously this isn't finished yet), Musescore has added four very short rests which I did not add. I tried removing them, but they just stay there every time I hit the *Delete* button on my keyboard. The problems are in bars 34 and 35. The duration of the last note in the lower part in the Bass Clef in bar 35 is also refusing to change.

Also, does anyone know how to change the length of the tuplet beam? That would be greatly appreciated.

I use Musescore on a Windows XP, and the total virtual memory paging size for all drives is 4800MB.

Thank you.

PS: Can I also have feedback on my song? I played it for my primary school talent show last year and got second place!

Attachment Size
Heavenlight.mscz 11.49 KB


You don't say which version of MuseScore you are using but if it is anything other than the developmental version - 2.0 - then bug reports are inapplicable since most are known about and nothing is going be done to rectify them unless they also occur in the newer version.

Triplets are known to cause issues and often you just have to remove the offending measures completely with [Ctrl]-[Del]. I see that in your score that measures 36 and 37 are also abnormal in that they are missing their rests. I would re-enter the notes a good ten or so bars away and then delete the intervening measures.

If you mean change the length of the tuplet bracket then double-click on it and move one or both of the handles that appear. If you mean change the length of the beam then you can't but you can change the angle of the beam and the height of the note stems.

Decent grasp of music for primary school level but take care when entering musical terms; in measure 17 I believe that you mean "subito senza con fuoco" (fuoco means "fire"; fuco is the Italian word for kelp).

The problems start at measure 35: check the values.
If 4/4 then missing notes.
Do you realize that you used the voice 1 (blue) and 2 (green) mixed? ;-)
Good music, Franz

Attachment Size
Heavenlight1.mscz 11.29 KB

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