Cannot read file, but no reason?

• May 20, 2017 - 20:55

I tried opening the attached file, but got the error message, "Cannot read file C:/Users/.../Secret Town v.3.mscz:"
Notice the colon at the end, which I'd think would lead to a reason for it not being able to be read, but nothing comes after it.
Can anyone else open this file, or maybe fix it and send it back?

Attachment Size
Secret Town v.3.mscz 17.52 KB


That colon is part of the translated error message, in some case if a specific error could be found, MuseScore adds it to the error report message you got.

7-zip, while able to open the archive, complains about a format error when trying to extract the .mscx from it.
You could try to see if you can find a zip-repair utility that might perhaps (small chance) be able to fix this; but I fear that file is corrupt beyond easy repair. Perhaps you can find a not-too-old backup copy of the score ( ?

Well, I'm not the admin on my computer, so I can't install a zip repair utility. Could someone else do that for me? I'd be thankful.

Looks irretrievable, I'm afraid. Information contained in the compressed file (.MSCZ) implies an uncompressed file (.MSCX) of 800+Kb but the overall size of the .MSCZ file would only support about 90Kb of uncompressed MuseScore data so it's probably missing a fair chunk including all the bits that tell ZIP how to uncompress the data - you can't repair what isn't there.

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