CRASH on print with images: Mac

• Apr 12, 2013 - 15:46

Running MS 1.3 R:5702 on a MacBook Pro running MacOS 10.7.5. Can create and print MS files just fine unless they contain an image file. Have made sure the file name extension does not contain capital letters. have tried both .jpg and .png formats. Have tried removing and reinstalling MS (though not really sure how to do a thorough uninstall on a Mac). Attempting to print to the network printer or save as .pdf using the Mac print funtion causes sudden crash of MS. I've whipped up an example which is attached.

Attachment Size
Rainbow-B-flat.mscz 818.63 KB


I have the same problem on my Macbook. MacOS 10.8.5.

No matter what the image is or where it's from. Hmm...

Thanks for the "save as" to pdf work around!

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