Weird removal of "Violins 1", "Violas"

• May 14, 2013 - 15:33

I find the removal of "Violins 1", "Violas" etc from the instrument list in musescore 2.0 weird. In the list of midi instruments violin is no 40, and string ensemble is no 48. String ensemble and single string instrument are two different things. They sound different. And in the score you want them to be named different. The great advantage of music notation software to pen and paper, is that you actually can get an impression of how the things you write will sound. You have put unnecessary work on the person who writes for string ensembles when you have removed the difference between string groups in an orchestra and single bowed instruments in the instrument list. So please put it back!

Olav Gundersen


Violins and violas were unnecessary duplications, and given the current length of the Instrument list something had to go.

But your point is noted

The sound has not been removed you just need to select it in the mixer.

All you need to do to change to the String Ensemble sound is go to the mixer and select the String Ensemble sound.

The existing violin/viola sounds are perfectly adequate for proofing scores.

The plan is to eventually provide a String Ensemble template for this format so the user can select it in one click instead of having to assign the instruments one at a time.

This is still a work in progress :)

You'll be pleased to know that I have just sent a pull request adding a string-section instrument to the instrument definition file to address your concerns.

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