Mass paste of lyrics? (Or lyrics editing window)

• Jun 28, 2013 - 16:48

Would it be possible to add, ideally, a lyrics editing window? Or, at least, bulk pasting of lyrics?

I want to enter the entire text of a song, witn non-breaking spaces and dashes as appropriate, then have it assigned to notes automatically given a starting note. Then, if something goes wrong, I can edit the lyrics inside the score - or else undo the mass assignment, change the lyrics and redo the assognment.

While a Finale-style lyric editing window would fit the bill perfectly, I realize that may be much work. But one can edit the text in another editor anyway, then paste it. Yet the current paste command seems to paste the content for one note only, requiring another paste for the next note. It is rather much work for a long song. Would it be possible to add a "mass paste" command for lyrics?


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