TAB number value does not indicate correctly

• Jun 9, 2017 - 05:56

I've been through the forum and have read several issues reported regarding TAB for Guitar being incorrect when there is an up-octave. I have tested what I can based on the suggestions and see no difference from what is expected. I found a lot of information in this thread,, but the results are still not accurate.

Sorry for the neophyte post, but I know very little to nothing about reading music but am proficient about reading TAB. Setting octave-up on a measure does not adjust the TAB number value. I have tried the suggested in the noted thread and see no difference in results. Am I missing a step or setting?

(Problem #1.) I've set the octave on say the 3rd measure. When I alter the Staff Properties for this measure the entire note/tab progression changes? This seems incorrect. This should only affect the selected measure, not the entire song.

I am working for an Electric Guitar with standard fretting/tuning. So when I move past the 12th fret and enter into a higher octave I need the TAB indicators to change as well and identify the proper string selection as well as fret location, but only for a selected measure, so the TAB value will display correctly.

Example 1;
(Problem #2.) Fret 16 on the A string (with (8va on the measure) the sound appears to be correct indicating a correct note and octave) but this indicates Fret 4, not Fret 16. This is unexpected and decidedly incorrect for electric guitar on the 16th fret in standard tuning.

I've tried altering the Staff Properties - String Data, but the TAB does not change accordingly to the expected/intended string/fret location so this is not a valid option. This also alters the entire song based on the set value, not the selected measure.

Example 2;
Adding a Treble Clef is nice and indicates an up-octave condition as well as Example 1, but this does not adjust the TAB number indicators either. The sound is correct, but the TAB value is not.

How can I adjust the TAB number value for an up-octave condition when dealing with Electric Guitar above the 12th fret?

I've tried creating my own template, but after 3 days of using the software have not yet figured that out, but do not think this will effect the TAB numbering on frets above 12 anyway.

Using V2.1.0.


Figured out a "solution".
Using a custom Score with Choose Instrument as Plucked String - Electric Guitar with a Linked Staff for Tab (simple) allows for TAB notation above 16th fret. NICE!
Seems the Octave option might be incorrect and needs to also allow for linked Tab number sequencing validation for proper octave string/fret selection though, as stated above.

I'll be able to move forward with a custom template stated.


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