Acessing Tremolos

• Aug 31, 2013 - 18:45

I'm new to plugins and I am trying to allow for diddle notation in drum music. To do this, I have to be able to tell if a note has a tremolo since that is how a diddle is notated. Do any of you guys know how to look at a note and discover if it is marked with a tremolo.


Which version of MuseScore are you using?
In MuseScore 1.3 ,there is no way to know if a note (actually a chord stem) has a tremolo from the plugin framework
In current development version, there is no way either. But MuseScore does play the tremolo.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Well in drumming music, a diddle, or double is notated by a tremolo. The number of dashes means you double the meter 2 times for each slash. For instance, a sixteenth note with a tremolo on it means that that turns into 2 32nd notes. But thanks for your help.

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