Guitar Tablature

• Aug 2, 2009 - 19:37

Hello MuseScore team,

First of all, I would like to congratulate and thank you for making such a great piece of music software. It's easy to use, powerful and, of course, free. I downloaded version 0.9.4 today, and I couldn't stop expirimenting and practice the notation by rewriting music I knew by heart.
But while expirimenting, I found that I couldn't write guitar tablature*. I did find a fancy 'TAB'-clef, but it didn't enable me (but perhaps I'm doing something wrong?) to write guitar tablature, only regular notes. In fact, I think the whole 'TAB'-clef is bugged; when I click to place a note, the note actually appears way underneath or above where I click. Could someone from the team, or a fellow user clarify if it's possible to write guitar tablature (and if it's not possible, perhaps a nice feature request)?

Kind regards,

*FYI: six lines that stand for the six strings; notes are placed by writing numbers on the six lines to indicate at which fret you have to press down the string, like this .


As presented earlier this year at FOSDEM (see slide 6), it's an open challenge to get support for fret diagrams and tab staffs into MuseScore. So, it's correct you didn't find anything. Up until today, no developer has stood up to take up this challenge but we are welcoming anyone with open arms.

A possible step up is to port certain parts of KGuitar, Tux Guitar project or other similar onces into MuseScore. KGuitar is an interesting option since it's written on QT, just like MuseScore.

In reply to by antoniomarchionne

Tablature support is implemented in the trunk. Currently, nighlies are built on the branch and so without tablature support and other new features. The only way to test is to compile the trunk for the time being.
There will be a new release on the branch to fix some outstanding bugs. Nightlies will be built on the trunk after that.

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