Add better description(s) to issue tracker.

• Aug 3, 2017 - 02:55

Re. Soichi's comment: "please use the Support forum to ask for help using MuseScore, not the issue tracker, the "assigned" field is for the person who will *fix* a problem."


can not a better description be placed in the "assigned" field?

Something less clumsy than "person to whom this will be assigned" but more descriptive than "assigned"?

This has been repeated so many times, it points to a weak area. The amount of time and energy spent here .......

Keep up the good work, y'all. :)


Perhaps simply call it "developer"?
I will also repeat a small request, in that I feel only people who have signed the MuseScore CLA should be able to change that field, as they are the only ones from which contributions can be accepted anyway.

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