Android App for Kindle Fire

• Dec 26, 2013 - 05:40

When is there going to be a version of the Android App that is compatible with the Kindle Fire?

I was just given a kindle fire, and I was all ready to download the MuseScore Reader since it uses Android apps, and was disappointed to find that it is not compatible.


I've tried to sideload the Musescore player to my Kindle Fire HD, however Google Play will not allow me to download a paid app to my computer so that I can then load it to my Kindle. This is very frustrating. I do not want to attempt the "rooting" method of installing on my tablet yet, as that will void the warranty.

Could you please make this app accessible through the Amazon App store? That would solve the difficulties I am having in attempting to purchase and install the app onto my Kindle. I found a link to the Player in Amazon itself, however when I attempted to purchase it, I was given an error message that the app was incompatible with my device (Kindle Fire HD 7") I'm happy to pay for the player, and I am sure that others want it as well.

In reply to by Elena Rhiannon Stark

The player is in the Amazon App Store but it's not yet available for Kindle Fire because of Amazon stricter policies. We are trying to solved the remaining issues to make the app compatible with Kindle Fire and hopefully, you will be able to load it easily from Amazon App Store.

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