How can I hide unused bars in a score? Is that possible?

• Aug 26, 2017 - 16:22

I am working on the layout for a score I want to use as a draft for my future projects. As I was creating barline thickness, stave measures etc., I was wondering if it was possible to later exclude all the bars in the partiture that are empty. I have attached a photo of a score that uses that technique to make following the instruments easier. Now I don't know whether it is possible to blend those bars out and how to do it. I am aware that under 'bar properties' in the score, you can find settings to make bars dissappear, but the problem is that the following visible bars don't have new clefs and measurements. I hope somebody can help me.

Attachment Size
Picture 2.jpg 1.53 MB


Deselect "barlines at start of multiple staves" in style->general, hide the measures as you mentioned via "bar properties", enter the notes, select the first note and add the clefs and key signature for those staffs an make them invisible for the other staffs (and maybe drag and drop the "instrument name")

note: dragging and dropping the "instrument name" doesn't seem to save.

Attachment Size
Hide_empty_bars.mscz 7.02 KB

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