Make Status Bar optional to save space

• Mar 28, 2014 - 13:24

The Status bar down in the musescore main window shows the current state(edit/text edit/play/normal...) and the current midi tick location.
This information, I think, is not needed. Certainly, it doesn't require waste of empty space like this:


Maybe this could be a solution:

Bildschirmfoto vom 2014-03-28 13:58:31.png

Also, the settings:

Bildschirmfoto vom 2014-03-28 13:57:36.png

What do you think? Is there a usecase that I am missing or should the status bar be disabled by default?

BTW: I am doing quite many nitpicky postings about similar, design related topics currently and I realize that it sometimes sounds like santas wishlist. But most of the things are rather easy to do and make sense to me. (I am trying to learn some things myself, and read around in the source code, but haven't gotten very far yet.)
It would be nice if we could have a discussion, but if you guys are busy with the more important internals of 2.0, just ignore this(and maybe look at it at a later date :))


It could be a good idea also to be able to remove some palette and all note value (as we can put them with numbers), or be able to put it on the right or left and change size.....

When we work with a notebook with a 16:9 screen, we don't have much vertical space for the sheet music

Just an idea if it is possible ;) like a santa claus whish list ^^

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