Bar Lines

• Mar 29, 2014 - 19:42


I am writing a classical composition for piano. I am looking to insert a double bar line to end a section of the piece, then a repeat sign on the same bar line to repeat the next section. The other thing is, the next section is in a different key. Any way to work around this? Attached is the last four bars of the first section, then the first four bars in the new key.



Attachment Size
Waltz_in_E_Flat_Major_Musescore.mscz 2.14 KB



for yourr first "probleme" i think the answer is here :
"Change bar line type
Bar lines are changed by dragging a bar line symbol from the bar line palette to a bar line in the score. "
Handbook : page Barline

An if I understood the second one :
Key signatures are created, or changed by dragging a key symbol from the key palette to a measure, or existing key signature.

(you have to change on both stave though ....)

I changed (although i'm not sure about the key change you wanted)

Attachment Size
Waltz_in_E_Flat_Major_Musescore.mscz 2.22 KB

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