.120 for 16th .240 for eighth .000 for quarter and above?

• Jun 9, 2014 - 22:39

seriously. Why do you use .240 for eighths and .120 for 16ths when you could use the actual fractions which are:
8th: .5 beats
16th: .25 beats
32nd: .125 beats
64th: .0625 beats

This actual fraction of a beat thing makes much more sense than .240 for 8ths and then that divided by 2 x times for 16ths, 32nds, and 64ths.


The reason is that MUseScore runs on a tick resolution of 480 ticks per quarter note.

This is related to the MIDI engine.

If you think about it you will realise why your system couldn't be used - a quaver or 8th note is always worth half a beat....

In a score written in 3/2 it is worth quarter of a beat.....

In a score written in 6/8 it is worth 1 beat (yes I know that compound time really counts in dotted crotchets!)

The tick resolution is directly related to the smallest note useable by the system - with 480 tpq that is a 128th note triplet if I've done my math correctly :)

Hope you understand all that :)

I have been campaigning for the tick resolution to be raised to 960 tpq which I think is the tpq resolution now for MuseScore 2 development builds.

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