Using Real Human Performance Playback in MuseScore

• Nov 8, 2017 - 19:31

Ok, I know that when you are listening to a composition in MuseScore, you use a SoundFont .sf2, but SFZ Files work too and they kind of give you a human performance like Sonatina Symphonic Orchestra for example. So I was thinking if we can add a Human Performance Playback with NOT only SFZs, but for SoundFonts SF2! With the Articulations, Dynamics, etc., they can produce the human element too, (For Example, Crescendo-ing from piano on the Whole Notes being tied to forte, or glissando-ing meaning to slide up or down instead of chromatically for other instruments than just the keyboard instruments, etc.) This feature should be an inspiration of Finale, and I hope this works for an updated version of MuseScore soon!

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