Get apk-File for MCSongbook directly vom MuseScore

• Nov 11, 2017 - 09:26

Dear friends,
I'd like to use the app MuseScore-Songbook on my android-phone (actually LineageOS) but without Google, Amazon and all these. I'd pretty like to pay for it per Paypal or somehow to give a donation.
(I am professional in IT and would like to go, as lots of others, a separate way from all the big companies which try to get all our personal data. So I don't use things like facebook, whatsapp and try to stay apart from google, apple and all these. Most of you may find this weird of course. But perhaps there is a chance for me?)
Thank you very much. Regards,

Ernst, from Munic (singing in the Münchner Ärztechor)


As far as I know, the app is only distributed via the Play Store and there is no intention to release a separate APK.

I've notified the team on this question so you may get an official answer in the coming days.

Hi Ernst,

Thank you for reaching out to us. As jeetee mentioned correctly, there is indeed no downloadable apk available of the MuseScore app. For now, we only distribute it via the Google Play store.

You may find it elsewhere though if you search for it.

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