musescore-x86_64.AppImage depends with MiyoLinux i3 Jessie 64bit

• Jan 11, 2018 - 17:38

Hi, I am experiencing some problems getting the MuseScore 2.1 AppImage to work with MiyoLinux, a Devuan based minimal distro. Musescore will install, but not run either installed or not. I have discovered that the issue is Musescore lacking dependencies. Each time, a new error appears when I run Musescore from the command line and I have to research what the actual file that I am missing is called and if it is on the Devuan mirrors or not. After having done this a number of times, I am thinking that there must be an easier way... isn't it possible to either get automatic resolution, or at least a list of the .deb packages that need to be installed before Musescore will run? I imagine a script connected to the AppImage that opens a dialog box, listing the depend packages when it is unable to run...

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