Fix triplets after pdf conversion

• Dec 26, 2024 - 05:15

I converted a PDF file and the triplets were not recognized. Instead, it converted into 3 8th notes as example below. I understand that the Musecore provided PDF converter is not perfect. My question is how to fix it in Musescore without reentering the notes. Version is the latest 4.4

Attachment Size
Original triplets.jpg 12.31 KB
Converted triplets.jpg 12.96 KB


If you install the standalone version of the Audiveris software, you can correct the music before you open/ import it in musescore. Then you don't need to reenter the music.

Delete the incorrect 1/8 notes and reinput them as triplets. Also see that + at the end of the bar, it means the bar duration is too long, correct it with bar properties.

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