Piano roll midi representation after import.

• Jan 15, 2018 - 09:41

Although development regarding the Piano-roll editor is seemingly scarce, the realization occurred that many times when working with MIDI files, the import function is less practical than a manual inputting while having recourse to a piano-roll. This especially is the case when midi is a human performance with many voicings. If the user chooses to do it manually, other programs need to be sought (e.g. MusE sequencer, also a QT based application seems to be a decent choice). At any rate, it would be really slick if Musescore somehow used its own piano roll editor code in some way not for editing but allowed for a quick representation of the original midi file when importing. The data presentation could be very helpful when attempting to make a transition from midi to notation.

So this is a request to the developers. If there be some development in the piano-roll editor in the future, an implemented (dockable?) window that would contain the original midi notes after an import would be much appreciated and although this is not of strong importance in relation to a notation-related feature request, it still should be considered imho,


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