W/ Garri 'Aria', force "cc11 (expression)" for dynamic volume, instead of Aria's "1 (modulation)"?

• Jan 27, 2018 - 21:01

When using Garritan ARIA...

Aria uses "cc1 (modulation)" for volume or cc7 (volume). Both are bad but "cc1 (modulation)" is absurd.

(cc7(volume) is used as 'set and forget' on the "track" itself so as to 'seat' an instrument relative to others in a score.)

I don't know what possesses sample format creators to 'reinvent the wheel.' ...Didn't they think that maybe generations of people were already using GM and therefore that their music was thus composed/ 'mapped'?

So... W/ Aria, can I force "cc11 (expression)" to be used for dynamic volume instead of Garritan's "1 (modulation)"?

(Is there a pulldown or check box somewhere? Or can it be /has it been "cracked"?)

I will not buy another garritan product until that PROBLEM is sorted out. FREE soundfonts work fine for me ;). And they use GM configurations like wise people do.


This is MuseScore forum. It seems you are talking about a totally different software package. Maybe you could post your questions and remarks to garritan forum ?

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