Horizontal scrolling too far

• Feb 4, 2018 - 15:51

using musescore Version 2.1.0 Revision 871c8ce
windows 10
display is set to Continuous View.
Note Input (N) mode

While entering chords at the right edge of the screen tends to scroll/jump to next measure (which is fine) but hides the chord I am building off the left of the screen (or under the blue headers at the beginning of the line). Is there any way to leave last measure (or at least last edited note) visible when shifting the display?

I have already found that the left cursor key will bring the last note back in view (but at the right edge of the screen), only to jump again (and hide my chord again) when the next note is added to the chord.

I usually resort to exiting Note Input mode so I can manually horizontaly scroll the chord to where it won't cause scrolling, so another thought is to add a way to scroll horizontally with the mouse without leaving Note Input (N) mode (shift mouse drag?)


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