Ignoring a jump for the first time.

• May 29, 2018 - 19:35

So I was transcribing a piece of music when I stumbled to the point that I cannot ignore the first jump (D.S al Fine) when played through the first time. I have attached the sheet music I am trying to work on. What I want to achieve is for the computer to play through the entire song, ignore the first jump, go back to the first segno when it comes to D.S in page three, and then go to the second segno to go to Fine. As you can find, I've renamed the second segno to "segno2" to differentiate the different segnos.
I appreciate anyone who can help! Thanks!

Attachment Size
Dainty.mscz 22.14 KB


Skipping a DS that way is not supported; aside from being extremely confusing for you human performers as well.

However, your roadmap is entirely possible using a DS al Coda
See attached.

Attachment Size
272860_Dainty.mscz 21.66 KB

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