Lost Work

• Jul 10, 2018 - 05:46

I have an issue. I have been working on a composition for the past few days, and I have been saving it. But for some reason, I clicked save, and it asked me to name the file, but the file I had been working on was already named. I didn't think anything of it. I just renamed it with the same name, and it asked for an override and I approved it. So I was working on it further today, and I saved it before I left, so I thought. When I returned later on today, I came back to the piece, and musescore was not behaving properly. so I tried to save it one last time and closed it out. When I went to open it again, I was prompted with a message of an update. So I updated to the 2.3.1 version. Once I updated it, I opened up musescore and the file of what I was working on could not be found. I looked for it in different areas of my computer but couldn't find anything. And as far as saved work is concerned, there's a file with the same name of what I was working on, except it's something I did about two weeks ago. And time stamp wise for saved works, it lists today, and then lists June 21, and prior works before that date. There's about two weeks worth of work completely missing and I don't understand what could have happened. Even if what I worked on today didn't save, it was saved as I worked in the days leading up to today. Does anyone have any idea as to what could have happened? support@musescore.com

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