Error: Cannot Read File- I've tried everything

• Sep 25, 2018 - 13:34

I have been working on a piece for a while now and it has a lot of significance to me. I restarted my computer recently for a windows update, it closed normally, and everything was fine, and when I went to work on it again I got the "Load Error, Cannot Read File C:\User ... "etc. I have been through the forums, checked for the backup files, I've seen , and there is no backup file for my score. I even did a search on my whole pc. Can anyone fix this? I would not like to lose this score :/


Attachment Size
Will_Ye_Go_.mscz 22.62 KB


Sorry, attached file is beyond repair. You will only find (and should find) a backup file if you've closed and opened again the score at least once time successfully before.

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