Change the cursor position in plugin

• Dec 10, 2018 - 14:40

What I want to do is use musescore GUI to build a score follower that can move the cursor to the place that the user intend to play at.

It would be something like this:…
The back-end algorithm is implement in C++, and I want to use MuseScore to show the score and cursor.
In short,
user play notes
--> back-end (My C++ code)
--> play audio, and output position in score
--> front-end (MuseScore)
--> display score and cursor

By far, I know musescore can receive OSC sockets to do some actions, but those build-in functions can only "select-measure","select-prev-chord",...,e.t.c. It cannot select a chord at a specific time offset. A solution to this is to scan all the chord in score and check if the time offset is matched, but I found that the scanned chords will be play once the cursor switch to it, causing significant delay. Is there any way to turn off the default setting to play the note that the cursor is at?
If I turn to implement this system by plugin(maybe can speed up the searching time). The question is, could I import my back-end algorithm on the QML platform in MuseScore or should I implement the whole algorithm on QML?


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