Crash report

• Sep 15, 2009 - 08:34

Well Okay, You asked me to let you know when and how MS crashes over here. Using 0.9.0 with ubunty 8.4
Started a new score, then tried to copy and paste a bar. When i tried to paste Musescore was gone.


Hi Thomas,

Since you are using MuseScore 0.9.0, could you first update your version to the latest stable which is 0.9.5. I bet the crashes you currently encounter, will be gone. For upgrade information, see the download page.

In reply to by Thomas

On the ubuntu system I can't. It isn't is the repo's. On the XP machime I have 9.5. Today I worked after starting op the PC and it worked quite well this time. (yesterday I used it after installing and uninstalling diferent versions without restarting the PC, may be that is a thing?)
Now on XP I don't seem to be able to get any sound out of it I installed the soundfont but still no result. Butt I'm afraid I have to start a new topic about that..

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