Preview of Musescore Instruments for Wood Wind, Free Reed, Brass, Pitched Percussion, Keyboard, Electronic, plucked and bowed string instruments
I made 4 documents for people to be able to test out or preview Musescore instruments for all the Wood Wind, Free Reed, Brass, Pitched Percussion, Keyboard, Electronic, Plucked String Instruments, and Bowed String Instruments by having each instrument in those categories play a sample of notes in order to hear what each instrument sounds like. The notes being played are seen on the clef as well as the name of the instrument playing that part to be able to easily see what instrument is playing. I also condensed the instrument parts to only use 2-8 staves rather than having hundreds of staves as well. The sample of notes are repeated 3X by bowed string instruments instead of only being played once like the other instruments in order to hear the bowed string instruments played normally, pizzicato, and tremelo.
The first document covers all the woodwind instruments.
Second document covers both free reed and Brass
Third covers Pitched Percussion, Keyboard, and Electronic Instruments
Fourht covers all the String instruments, Plucked and Bowed String Instruments