Modify synthesiser load order search in path from patch to instruments

• Mar 15, 2019 - 21:42

Love 3.05. ( Other than crashing when I tried to open a newly exported compressed xml file within the scores window with notepad (my fault), it didn't try to import any of my old scores! from 2.2)

But there needs to be a new way to search and use the synthesizer load order. As I understand it, the "Instruments" list will set up a score part name in the mixer and a patch with a score part instrument name. Now comes the fatal move. It then simply lists "preset" after preset for each soundfont by the order that they are loaded in the synthesizer. Rather, once the score part instrument has been named, it needs to match the id with GM midi id so that all of the French Horns, for instance, can assemble at the top of the scroll bar to audition their emulations.

In other words, don't just list "one damn thing after another." Search for Instrument Id's. Load order would still be preserved in so far as the scroll would preserve first found-last found and the user can still glance at the load order and names of files.


That's indeed one of the ways and ideas around improving the sound selection in the mixer. That only works for GM-compatible soundfonts though

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