Arpeggio over 2 voices

• Mar 19, 2019 - 12:24

Is it possible to make the playback of a guitar chord arpeggio to include multiple voices? I know that I can change the visual length of the arpeggio symbol but this does not seem to affect playback.


  1. You can use a completely different staff for the arpeggio onto which you enter a one voice arpeggio for playback. Make the playback staff invisible. Then in the Inspector, mute the actual 2 voice arpeggio.
  2. If you have an unused voice, you can write the arpeggio out in that single voice and make it playable and invisible. The two voice arpeggio is muted, as in this example:
    Voices arpeggio.mscz


Thanks for the ideas: I'll go for an unused voice as I don't play piano so probably would struggle with a piano roll editor.

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