UI Scaling vs. Individual Adjustment

• Mar 30, 2019 - 18:12

Current Status:

Size of icons and text may currently be adjusted in Preferences > General in the Theme section.
It is possible to independently adjust icon height and width, as well as font size.


While this does provide a very high level of customization, it is not the most user-friendly option.
Considering that accessibility is the primary use case for such adjustments, this approach might even become less friendly in this scenario.


Rather than independent adjustment for each of these elements a single slider to increase/decrease size of all UI elements could be much more user-friendly and more effectively support the accessibility use case.


On the other hand, icons are way more recognizable than text. I know of some users that even shrink the icons (to 16x16), but increase the text.
They don't remove the toolbars, as still having a visual clue for duration and panning/repeat playback, but also don't want them to take up too much workspace of their scaled display.

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