MuseScore crashes whenever i open this score

• Apr 20, 2019 - 19:35
Attachment Size
Euphoria.gpx 83.6 KB


Measure 57, staff 1 incomplete. Expected: 4/4; Found: 169/192
Measure 57, staff 2 incomplete. Expected: 4/4; Found: 41/48
Measure 58, staff 1 incomplete. Expected: 4/4; Found: 41/48
Measure 58, staff 2 incomplete. Expected: 4/4; Found: 41/48
Measure 98, staff 1 incomplete. Expected: 4/4; Found: 41/48
Measure 98, staff 2 incomplete. Expected: 4/4; Found: 41/48

I opened with a Nightly, exported as musicxml, opened and saved with 3.0.5

Attachment Size
EuphoriaBis.mscz 40.34 KB

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