Request: Add measure length auto-allocation between line breaks

• Jun 2, 2019 - 14:39

MuseScore automatically divides space of a line into the measures of that line. Well and balanced.
This feature request is to get the same functionality (on demand or by default, whatever) between line breaks.
Manually inputting line breaks where it makes sense musically is a user thing.
That's for sure.
But once these "musical" breaks have been set, let's say that between two of these breaks you get 2 "normal" lines and the last one with only 2 way too big measures.
And you have to manually count the measures in these three lines: ok there are 17 of them let's manually add line breaks to split in 6/6/5 measures to get 3 more or less balanced lines.
MuseScore would do that much better, quicker and easier than us.
By using more or less the same logic it uses to allocate space by measure on a line, but between line breaks instead of by line.

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