More capital letters in lyrics

• Aug 5, 2019 - 12:17

I have just started using musescore and it is quite userfriendly. However, when inputting the lyrics of my song, the program is changing some first letter into a capital. When I re-click the word, I do not see the capital anymore. I have also tried to delete those words and re-write them, but the issue persists... and always in the same words... Can anybody help me?

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Screen Shot 2019-08-05 at 13.13.25.png 35.56 KB


It looks like you're entering your lyrics as chord symbols (Ctrl-K) rather than as Lyrics (Ctrl-L).
If you want your lyrics to be above the staff, still enter them as lyrics, but then change the position of those to "above" rather than entering them as the wrong type of text.

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