Change location of text border

• Aug 28, 2019 - 22:23

Hi all -
I have some text in a new piece. It is in the title area, but is not the title, lyricist or composer element. I want to put a box around this text, but the "name" box in the text style settings is greyed out. How can I put a border over something that isn't a title?



A note for future you; since MuseScore 3 it has become way easier to change text style settings than before.
Yes, you may still go into the style dialog and try to figure out which settings to tweak (and for advanced stylistic choices, this remains the way to go). But for most basic options, you can simply use the inspector.

Select one element of the type you wish to change.
Use the text settings in the Inspector (F8) to do so.
For each changed setting you wish to use as the default style in that score, press the "Set as Style" button at the end of the setting in the inspector (the button with simply an "S" on it, just after the reset to style arrow button)

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