EQ or Balance?

• May 19, 2020 - 02:13

I haven't found one while browsing the handbook or forums, so I'm assuming that there isn't one. I would like for there to be a way to change the bass, mid, and treble volumes of instrument timbres, like one would be able to if they were using a guitar amp. Say I have a bass soundfont and I really like the sound, but I don't think it's 'bassy' enough for the piece I'm working on. Or perhaps the bass kick on this drum soundfont isn't loud enough to pierce through all of the other instrumentation layers, but I don't want to turn the whole thing up, for fear of drowning out the rest of the band with the disproportionately loud snare drum. At the moment, I just have to say 'oh well' and trudge through all of the other soundfonts in Musescore and on the internet. On the other hand, if such a feature does exist, would someone kindly point it out for me? I've searched but I've no inkling to where it exists if it does...


Or if your goal is sound production, you export from musescore and continue in a program better suited for such a task.

In reply to by jeetee

One such program may be Guitar Pro. It supports balance and EQ, (at the insrument level and mix level), and comes with a huge library of soundfonts covering loads of guitar types and pickup positions as well as other instruments. You also get a whole section dedicated to amplification and effects. It supports TAB, standard notation and drum notation.

Musescore can open GP files directly and handles them well. GP can open Musescore files via MusicXML format. So the two programs work quite nicely together.


You do get some basic MIDI control in Musescore's mixer


This works at the track level so you could move your kick drum to its own track so as not to affect the rest of the drum kit. This does start to make managing your score a bit more complicated but may be workable.

Musescore does also support single note dynamics which might work for you.

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