Best way to layout a 2 page score

• Jun 21, 2020 - 21:27

I realise that this is trivial but just wondering whether there is a convention for it: I have a score which takes 10 "rows" of measures. Is it better to lay this out as 2 pages of 5 rows each or as 6 rows on the first page, (can't fit 7), and 4 rows in the second page?


In my opinion it's a very subjective decision what looks better and it's more reader friendly (and it should be possible to fit 7 rows on the first page by decreasing the scaling via format->page settings...).

In reply to by yonah_ag

For me it depends on the individual score, for example the containing instruments, note durations, dynamics signs, lyrics and other elements - and with each individual score I'm playing around with scaling, staff/system distances, breaks and so on - so I don't think there exist a general rule.

In reply to by underquark

Thanks for the suggestion, I will try it too.

What I had been doing was using a vertical frame at the top of page 2 to match the title area on page 1. This way there's a symmetry about the pages when viewed as a left and right pair, (rather than as a double sided score which is awkward).

Incidentally, this is one of my uploaded scores so if I re-upload will I lose the stats? The layout only started bugging me when I printed a hard copy but I'd already shared it by then.

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