Update caused octave shifts on playback

• Aug 21, 2020 - 01:25

I recently updated and many of my files play back with octave shifts. The score looks as it should, but plays the wrong octave. I tried copy and pasting into a new score but it's still shifting octaves on playback. This is happening on random notes within a thick chord as well as random notes of a voice in 4 part chorales (attached). Is there anything I can do to fix this other than re-write them completely?

Attachment Size
SkB Dictation #20 (4 voice in Am).mscz 13.06 KB


I think this has to do with the new playback of chord symbols.
You can find several comments in the forum about this.

In reply to by Mr Fox

Great, got it thank you so much for the quick reply. I found the "for the love of god..." comment I definitely sympathized with 😆. I'm just glad it's not a bug that destroyed my scores!

Anyone else looking to turn off the playing of chord symbols in playback, go to below link.


and this very reasonable explanation and solution from Marc regarding new version with this default,

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