automatic page scrolling

• Oct 13, 2020 - 12:20

Dear All,
I'm searching for a long time how I can enable that a partitur will automatically scroll up. Currently the curser runs till the last line on the page and it will switch to the next page. For a drummer like me, it is important to see upfront, how the next bars will look like.
How can this be achieved in Musescore.
Many thanks


Did you select "Scroll pages vertically" in Edit -> Preferences -> Canvas? (I assume you did.)

But even if you selected that option, you will only start to see the next page when the last measure of the current page has been played, and then it will jump entirely to the next page.

I agree that it would be really nice if the last bars of the "previous" page were visible at the same time with the first bars of the "next" page. It is something that would be very helpful when entering music.

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