Audio Playback not working unless I restart audio engine

• Nov 15, 2020 - 18:32


I have a bug where playback of a score doesn't work (no sound and progression through the score).
If I go into I\O settings and press "restart audio engine" it fixes the problem.
But I need to do it every time I start MuseScore, if not - the playback won't work.

It's a new issue, didn't have this issue before. Didn't update Windows or installed new programs.
It started to happen at the same time when another issue came up - Used Windows WASAPI as the API, and it used to work great, but recently it started to output poor sound quality, so had to switch to Windows WDM-KS (MME and DS work with a lag, and cannot use ASIO as it prevents using other applications that use the sound card at the same time [Youtube, Zoom, Etc.])

I'm using Komplete Kontrol A61 as Midi keyboard, Windows 1064bit, AMD Ryzen 3400G with 16GB of RAM, and Realtek build in sound card (on the Asus Prime B450A motherboard)

Any help on how to fix both issues would be appreciated.



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