Adding Synth/Mixer on Musescore (internet)

• Nov 19, 2020 - 00:45

Hello, Everybody!
I just uploaded a score to MuseScore and I want to be able to edit the different levels of sound on the MuseScore website. On other scores I've looked at, they have the "MuseScore Audio" and "Synthesizer" along with the option to enable it. How can I add that setting to the online version of my score? Do I have to add something to the score in the MuseScore app before uploading?
Let me know ASAP or if this question doesn't make sense. I'll see if I can upload a photo. Thanks a bunch! :)

Attachment Size
Enable Synth Scrnsht.png 23.27 KB


I believe the synth is available on all scores.

Keep in mind that this doesn't "edit" the different levels of sound on the site, but just for your playback while you're on that page. Other users will notice nothing about what you change there.

But also see and realize that this forum is not the place to ask support with .com items.

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