Palette Search and Escape (newer behavior)

• Jan 6, 2021 - 08:43

I've noticed that now in 3.x that the palette search's text-box disappears when pressing Escape if the user has focus within it for typing. It looks as if this by design, which is okay, but there's an issue:

1) In score, trigger search via shortcut
2) Search for something ["beam"?]
3) User changes mind and wants to be back into the score again for score traversal or note entry instead of inserting an item just yet.

In previous installments, the user could press "Escape" and focus would be back onto the active score. Now, however, the user presses Escape, the "search" text box goes hiding, and the focus is still in the palette area related to palettes, requiring yet another Escape to get back to score.

Notice, though, if the user presses Escape when not in the search box but rather on a palette item, it goes back to score immediately.

It seems not quite right in my opinion, but it's not terrible. Just feels a little off.

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