Import midi into HCX?

• Jan 11, 2021 - 00:40

New to this. Here is m problem.

Attempting to import a midi from musescore 3 into HCX (Home Concert Xtreme) HCX says it can import and translate Midi0 or 1 (preferred) and convert it for use within the HCX app. But what I am getting from piano score imports is a perfect Bass clef but no Treble clef. Everytime. No matter what file I am downloading from Musescore. I am thinking it has something to do with how Musescore is assigning staffs to channels . OR?

Any ideas?


As I gather from #207346: MIDI export: the first track should not contain note events exporting notes in the first MIDI track for a MIDI 0 file is, though allowed by the standard, something a lot of programs don't expect.
I believe this is the same issue you're dealing with, so I propose the following workaround: Add an additional single stave instrument to your score (Edit > Instruments), for example a vocal staff. You can likely even turn it invisible so it won't affect your score layout.

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