Interactive Midi Playback?

• Aug 30, 2014 - 07:15

I understand that a midi keyboard can be used to insert notes, rather than using a mouse. However, would I be able to play along with the music by hitting the correct notes and having it highlight on the screen.

Here's an example on what I want to accomplish (except I can read notes without having to write the names down):

Can MusScore do this?


I second this feature too :). I know musescore is emphasized for notation but if not too much this would go a long way for those of use trying to learn to play piano.

Maybe have this as a plugin. I wonder if you can maybe do this as a plugin for guitar tablature ;)

In reply to by wildpig

Having what I just posted as a plug-in.....that would take up way to much CPU power and slow down your computer gradually (yeah I know, that sounded redundant).

If it doesn't have this feature, I will continue to use this software because this is a great way to put my theory to practice :).

Anyway, they (the developers) did not answer my question, please do you guys, I need to know badly.

It certainly isn't possible now, and probably won't be for some time to come.

In order to be able to do this MuseScore needs to be able to respond to real-time MIDI input, and the code for that just isn't there at the moment.

Personally it's not something I would value, but I can see that others, particularly in the didactic world, might find it valuable.

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