Add an instrument to the score, then rename it

• Feb 4, 2021 - 06:26

When adding an instrument to a score, you go to EDIT>>INSTRUMENTS, select an instrument on the left side, such as “Bb Trumpet”, then click on the button “ADD TO SCORE” to move it to the right side of the window, so that the name “Bb Trumpet” displays on the right-hand side of the window with the other instruments in the score.
Question: How do you change the name “Bb Trumpet” to “Trumpet” on the right hand side of the window?

Attachment Size
Musescore-EDIT-INSTRUMENTS.pdf 164.87 KB



Choose the right Instrument or change the name on the score with right click Staff Properties (but it is not the same thing).

You don't.

But you can then afterwards double click the name in the score to open up the staff/part properties where you can change the names to your liking.

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