Suggestions on how to achieve a particular cross staff beaming

• Mar 8, 2021 - 21:11

Hi Everyone! New and first post here in MuseScore community. I downloaded MuseScore recently, for about 2 months and I must say i love it (I come from Dorico and Sibelius). So I'm writting a score for only one percussionist and I have at least 3 or more staves in each system.

So what I'm trying to achieve is that sometimes I write triangle first pulse of a 4/4 quarter note and then in the snare line a silence of eight note and an eight note. So what you really hear is an eight note rhythm between snare and triangle. But written in that way gets confusing for the eyes... So i want to extend the quarter note beam, cross all the staves and join it with the eight note of the snare.

Hope that makes sense... I attach an image 2021-03-08_LI.jpg


I don't know if I understand but...
From the Spacer Palette insert Fixed Spacers at the bottom. Then double click on the stem and use the handle to adjust its length.
Attach an example (*.mscz file) if you want.

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