f-mf or inversly (option and effect?)

• Mar 28, 2021 - 08:31

Unless my eyelids are in the way, I have never come across the option to use the mf-f or the f-mf (or other such variations on dynamics) in the dynamic palette.

Would it be possible? Or at least to build it like we can also modify the time signatures?
Even more so, would it be possible to hear in in playbacks?

Music is often scored such that the repetition should either be softer, or louder.

It seems to be an easyish challenge to make this function feature.
Please help?!



It is quite easy to do this visually as the text of dynamics can be edited to say whatever you want. Just add a dynamic and then double click on it and you are in edit mode. See https://musescore.org/en/handbook/3/dynamics#edit-a-dynamic. However any changes to the appearance will have no effect on playback.

There is currently no easy way to have repeated sections play differently on first and second or later repeats. It is often asked for.

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