option to add octave line while still retaining existing note registers and accompanying tab

• Mar 31, 2021 - 21:10

Hi. As I often need to leverage octave lines (8va, 8vb) when creating scores and recently started working on some guitar transcriptions that have accompanying tabs as well--where this becomes more critical--I'd like to request an option that allows you select one or more existing notes, measures, or continuous string of notes/chords and invokes a process that both transcribes the corresponding written stave(s) but keeps the notes in the exact pitch they were, along with any TAB.

To clarify, my experience seems to dictate that making a choice to adapt parts of score that's already written in the correct register to add an octave line (strictly for easier reading) requires both moving the selection up or down the corresponding octave and adding the opposing 8va or 8vb line to normalize the pitches again. It would really be nice to be able to make the transition happen in one fell swoop (i.e. clicking on one action that takes care of transposing the score by an octave an adding the opposing octave line)--and, when TAB comes into play, it would also be great to freeze the TAB so that it doesn't change during this entire operation. Even with the TAB element removed, just having the ability to rewrite a selection 8va, 8vb, 15va, or 15va and retain the existing note registers would be helpful (though ensuring the TAB isn't manipulated would be a big plus).

Thanks very much and best wishes,



In reply to by wolfgan

Thanks for the link. I had actually seen this article while in the process of researching before entering this request, but I don't think it addresses my particular use case (of one-action octave-line application that renders the existing note pitches and TAB in place). If I missed something on that thread, though, may I please ask for further clarification? Best wishes and thanks again for your help. -Alan

In reply to by adventalan

showing the 8va in notation but not in tablature is one of the many open requests with tablature.
for the moment in your case if the music is already written the meanwhile easiest way would be to add anot linked notation and change it there. I am not shure if someone already thought about changing the ready notation.

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