Contribution Advice and Compilation Problems

• Apr 5, 2021 - 18:26

Although an experienced programmer, I am new to the Musescore development and am having trouble compiling from source. i would like some advice on the best way to get up .
I have tried compiling on all three supported platforms , MacOS, Windows, Linux
so far without success. So far the combination of compatibile versions of Qt
with the platform system and accompanying components has not produced a fully compiled from source result.

I intend to add the following features to Musescore

1) A pitch detector (and contour detection) for monophonic voices
which would enable its use for interactive, ear training , sight reading
and an aid to automatic transcription. I can use modified Qt audio modules or audio.js for this.

2) A 3d graphic representation of the score (or midi file ) using three.js
with a selectable a choice of visual materials

So if someone would just give me a suggested known to compile
combination of Qt , Musescore, OS To start either Windows 10 with mingw,
(or MacOS Catalina or BigSur )

Also advice on whether I should could should create a Plugin or a direct tool addition to the interface.
It could also be an external webbased chrome that just reads MuseScore scores format, etc . I want the connection to be as easy as possible.


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