Auto-loading Zita1 reverb and SC4 compressor settings with Score Load

• May 21, 2021 - 20:47

I am looking for an option/setting to auto-load my score-saved Zita1 reverb and SC4 compressor values when a score is loaded into Musescore. (It would be nice if this also auto-loaded the master volume and the single-note-dynamics expressions settings!)

My use-case scenarios are 1) for my personal day-to-day composition work, with different scores having different settings, and 2) that I would like people downloading my posted scores to hear the playback with my reverb and compressor settings, not the saved default they have set locally.

I found few old conversations/discussions that focused on failed feature requests to auto-load the entire synthesizer settings that included the 3rd party sound-fonts loading. I agree that could 'take quite a while to load' and also opens up some compatibility issues. I was looking for "everything except the sound-fonts loading" synth auto-loading feature.

The answer seems to be "it can't be done" and with future Musescore 4.0 reworking the synthesizer settings perhaps it is best not to even request this feature at this time.

Please let me know if I missed any cool tricks or workarounds!


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